Wednesday 2 December 2015

The best of 2K15

Hai and Assalamualaikum, 

 Its been a while juga laa tak post dalam blog ni.. Memang dah pasti sangat yg akan dilupakan tentang updating this, but hey... Its holiday kan?? Quite late sebab dah masuk bulan 12 baru nak active.. Tapi, thats life.

Some people just view it in many perspective, But way how u make it different. Im pretty sure ade sense broken english more then usual. But im here just too kongsi my pendapat.. Its a free country basically, not as free as much as the mindset yg sentiasa terpengaruh dgn pelbagai ideologi.. 

 But hey this year is a bit different. Im 15 so im trying my best to make new changes,dari segi pelajaran, myself and my achievement for my future.. Its the most challenging thing but who know, good vibes bring positive thoughts.. 

How much the impact just from ourself. How to create the best of urself is to follow ur heart. Dalam this post is all abt my previous memories sepanjang 2015. I just want to end it with a smiles that chills and mend every heart.Lets start with awal bulan january.

Usual thing all kids doo.. 


they are the most precious thing that ever happen. And keeping it safe and sound in my memories of love. 

Pain in my ass with the examinations. 

It such a relief but nothing important activity that i highlighted except how depress i was with my grades.. And building the new self esteem... May Its a break for me and ade daurah gathering with lee daurah mates

The starting of geografi and sejarah and it was sad when things dont work like it used to work.. I learned from my used ti be best friend, "losing is winning" and i miss them till today.

This is when we celebrated hari raya.. And it was fun while having him

and all of them


Nothing much need to be highlighted too.. Just she is my everything

Its a rush since its getting hard for pt3 candidates to catch our breath. October Where the miracles happen

Having them and the most boom classmate i ever had.

Its hard to explain how lifeless i am. But theres a lot of activity going on with my ohana.

They re the reason why this holiday is the most fun thing to dooo 

Im going to fill it with more memory but hey, everything happens for reason.. And here is mine. And a few more coming.. 

Im gonna end this blog with hoping u people who actually reading this know that "No matter how many time life hits u down. There is more then chance for u to get up" This is who ure. If ure trying to change urself. Then trust ur heart.

Goodbye and thanks.