Wednesday 2 December 2015

The best of 2K15

Hai and Assalamualaikum, 

 Its been a while juga laa tak post dalam blog ni.. Memang dah pasti sangat yg akan dilupakan tentang updating this, but hey... Its holiday kan?? Quite late sebab dah masuk bulan 12 baru nak active.. Tapi, thats life.

Some people just view it in many perspective, But way how u make it different. Im pretty sure ade sense broken english more then usual. But im here just too kongsi my pendapat.. Its a free country basically, not as free as much as the mindset yg sentiasa terpengaruh dgn pelbagai ideologi.. 

 But hey this year is a bit different. Im 15 so im trying my best to make new changes,dari segi pelajaran, myself and my achievement for my future.. Its the most challenging thing but who know, good vibes bring positive thoughts.. 

How much the impact just from ourself. How to create the best of urself is to follow ur heart. Dalam this post is all abt my previous memories sepanjang 2015. I just want to end it with a smiles that chills and mend every heart.Lets start with awal bulan january.

Usual thing all kids doo.. 


they are the most precious thing that ever happen. And keeping it safe and sound in my memories of love. 

Pain in my ass with the examinations. 

It such a relief but nothing important activity that i highlighted except how depress i was with my grades.. And building the new self esteem... May Its a break for me and ade daurah gathering with lee daurah mates

The starting of geografi and sejarah and it was sad when things dont work like it used to work.. I learned from my used ti be best friend, "losing is winning" and i miss them till today.

This is when we celebrated hari raya.. And it was fun while having him

and all of them


Nothing much need to be highlighted too.. Just she is my everything

Its a rush since its getting hard for pt3 candidates to catch our breath. October Where the miracles happen

Having them and the most boom classmate i ever had.

Its hard to explain how lifeless i am. But theres a lot of activity going on with my ohana.

They re the reason why this holiday is the most fun thing to dooo 

Im going to fill it with more memory but hey, everything happens for reason.. And here is mine. And a few more coming.. 

Im gonna end this blog with hoping u people who actually reading this know that "No matter how many time life hits u down. There is more then chance for u to get up" This is who ure. If ure trying to change urself. Then trust ur heart.

Goodbye and thanks.

Saturday 27 December 2014

Kem Smart Khalifah

Hai and Assalamualaikum,

Dah genap lima minggu and daurah pun dah habis.. Biasalah persokolahan pun dah nak bermula... Segala nya pasti akan berubah.. Sebab tahun depan ada PT3.... 

Begini ceritanya,

Memandangkan next year akan bermulalah azam baru, jadi kite conteng dulu kisah lama yang telah dilalui bersama rakan seperjuangan dan fasi selama kem smart khalifah.. Serious awesome, sebab tahun ni ade sedikit kelainan tapi biasalah usia mematangkan seseorang..

Jom mulakan dengan mingu pertama, Apa yang saya lalui adalah "thoughts" yang berbeza tentang kem ini.. Tapi siapa tahu disebalik setiap berlaku ade sebab nya dan yang sebab minggu pertama sangat best.. Dapat kenal kawan baru.. 

Kadang-ii perkara baru tu lah menunjukkan yg kita sebagai manusia sentiasa memerlukan seseorang untuk sentiasa mengingati perkara yang masih tak diketahui.. Cuba bayangkan kem yang cuma lima minggu tapi dapat satukan hati semua peserta....

Lebih-ii lagi kita perlu melalui semua perkara bersama.. Contohnya ohana fiesta... Salah satu cintih nak terapkan budaya bekerjasama antara satu sama lain.. Kalau tak bekerjasama macam mana nak berjayakan satu hari fiesta tu.. Pelbagai dilalui, Kanak-ii ribena datang kenalah layan sama macam umur diaorang..

Lagi satu perkara yang saya pelajari, Tentang kepercayaan antara satu sama lain, cuba bayangkan mcm mana nak jadikan grouop tu bersatu mestilah kena trust leader... Kalau leader buat salah kenalah ditegur.. Atau contohnya, leader dia ajak gathered ramai-ii and do things together. Anak buah dia kenalah lakukan. Itulah mesti kena ade leader.

Cuba bayangkan time zaman Rasulullah sendiri, walaupun setakat nak berhijrah ke Madinah. Rasulullah dan sahabatnya, Sayidina Abu Bakar tetap melantik salah seorang dari mereka untuk lead ke Madinah. Bagaimana pula kita sebagai hamba??

Ops, lari tajuk lee...

Maafkan saya lah ye.. Bak kata abang adam, move on, move on. Tapi antara semua aktiviti time kat kem tuh, Time sembelihan burung puyuh.. Sebab kena get over fear of blood. Tapi, why not. It was exciting and totally encouraging sebab ada ramai kengkawan yang buat.. And I was not aware about the fear anymore..

Itulah kem smart khalifah..

Don't get me wrong, I was trying to introduced the kem to my readers. (hilarious) Tapi serious best.. Salah satu proses membesar saya.. Yang saya tahu tahun depan pasti akan datang lagi pelbagai cabaran. 

Bak kata kak aini, "Bismillah... Jalan je..." See, i learned many things.. Tapi right now, I dah rindu suasana kat sana.. Suasana dia totally different because, school is school.. Daurah is daurah.. Lagi-ii kat sini sentiasa di bawah baitullah.. Lagi laaaa.....

Probably feels like crying.. Banyak memories.. And if you're one of the peserta. You gonna have to wipe your tears and keep on going.. And if you're one of my fasi, Thanks for your endless love.. Saya sayang awak semua kerana Allah..

Cuma memories yang takkan dilupakan time dengan kak ateh, kak rara, nani, ika, mimi, harris, muiz, dan nabil.. Best sangat sebab sanggup spent time bersama.. WAlaupun tak jauh pun pergi.. Tapi macam -ii dilalui bersama..

Maybe, blog ini bakal ditinggalkan sebab saya dah nak start gerak gempur untuk pt3.. Doakan saya.. Thanksss.....

Saturday 24 May 2014

Stop cheating. Please.

Hiiii anddd Assalamualaikum.

I havent post anything. Too busy with school maybe. Hari ini tetiba idea nak tulis blog muncul. Iz it exceptable?

Well. Sekarang minggu exam so as a students of course laa saya kena menduduki exam. But to be honest for the first time. I understand why i cant cheated in exams.

Hari nih saya nak buat sedikit pengakuan. Sebenarnyer last year exam saya ade meniru. Tapi untuk paper ictl and sivik. Itupun like a few question. Yang lain semua i do it by my own self.

Since i still got two paper. So im just gonna try my best. Back to the tajuk. I use to cheated in exam(not just in form one before ini pun pernah). But i learnt from all my mistake that when you cheated. Youll get nothing.

Although when youre cheated you ll feet happy with your good results. But now i know when you cheated. Youll get nothing. Because even if youre happy. Youll keep on cheat for the upcoming exam just for better class.. That is useless..

Because if you failed. But you didnt cheat youll felt different way. Like you ll try again with even better skills for flying colours. Because i pernah rasa cheating is best. But in the same time i feel stupid.

Because i just dont put my effort for better grades. And this year im gonna change. Well. Changing a bit and a bit. All i need is istiqamah.

To my classmate that get good grades because youre cheating. Even though you get an 'a'. I hope one day youll realize cheating is useless..

I have been at your place before. But theres nothing better that being honest to yourself.

Btw. About school? Everythings fine. Just sometimes i miss my old classmate probably. Because its quite hard in sigma. Its hard to found myself happy like i used to be in omega last year.

So i tried to be happy. But end up wondering. Sigma dont really suits me. Because ill be the mangsa if meniru. Even if i tak buat.

When teacher tuduh you meniru kerja rumah kawam. Trust me. Hurt like koyakkan hati sendiri. Too bad sedikit pun kawan-ii yang meniru tidak rasa bersalah. Im not happy with my classmate at all.

So to be honest. How i end up this blog is. "do not cheat in exams because its useless". I dont like to talk my feelings to people. But ill express everything through blogging or many ways.

Last but not least. Masa cuti ill post many things.. So stay turn. Cehh rasa macam tengah buat iklan..

Bye and assalmaualaikum.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Holiday.. :)

Hey and Assalamualaikum.

Its holiday people.. Ain't sitting doing nothing. Aren't you? Cause.. The reason we called holiday because its (holy-day)..

I'm sarcasticly thinking about this post might be about holidays.. Which its called duty free without homework..


Too bad. I'm stucked with horrible disaster homework which its physically killed me.. Well.. I'm just too lazyyy tooo doooo thoosee homework...

Probably I'll finished thoose doesnt matter how..

Btw. I my holiday is way frustrating.. Because there's nothing to enjoyed.. Except for what happen today.. Trust me.

Fet to met with my favourite fasi... And get to hug them.. Well.. Because memories and our friendship its hard to let it go..

So. I hope your holiday could bebyour best holiday because people deserve a day called free duty day..

Another example.. You can treat yourself by having one whole day baking class.. Pretending to be chef.. Or some productive way..

*Just dont and never spend your holidays with video games.. (causes addiction)

Well thats all for today topic.

Happy holiday...

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Daurah Again.. =)

Assalamualaikum and heyyyoo,

Miss me? Okay nakk tahu tak kenapa tajuk hari nih pelik sikit 'macam lain jerr'.. Lol kan everyone started to use that word.. I pun nak jugakk laa..

I choose this title because this year is mahh first year in Menengah.. Feeling like I'm getting old instead of the old me, Little sofea.. Lol..

Okay straight to the tajuk.. Hek hek.. Wanna know what is Daurah? Is just a program for spending your holiday with benda yang memanfaatkan.. 

Like, you get to spend your time in Masjid and you get to learn new things and memantapkan yourself.. Lol.. Learn to be a better muslimah maybe. I just hentam mahh words..

Thus, you get to enjoy yourself with new friends, and fasi.. And you also dapat merasakan kemanisan ukhwah fillah.. Because at daurah we being exposed about life. Me being weird jap.

Actually, this program somehow helping me stop thinking bout committing suicide for awhile cause they kept on remind me about who's our creator..

Btw, Sometimes I feel like 

Today's activity help me a bit and remind me about islam dan ihsan.. Its about, this life is nothing without that two things.. Example, as a human. I'm imperfect but i know, Allah had choose the best thing in life.. 

Idk, I takut habis daurah I'll stop with this activity somehow, Takpelah.. Kena Istiqamah first.. Then I'll get used.. So, I can try stop maybe..

Beside, This year is kinda challenging when I everything seems like to matured.. Lol.. Means I'm getting older.. I got this little feeling to be a fasi too..

This year daurah is different, but, I still have KaK fasi yang saya sayang.. hehehehe.. They still the same.. And I'm okay with it.. And wanna know something.. 

 Mah group is just so sporting.. They tried to share and cooperate.. I'm just hoping I boley rasa kemanisan ukhwah fillah.. Hek hek.. Mah ayat so much gedik.. Lol..

' Happiness is pleasure in finding worship of Allah '

Well, A bit intro and story of mine about daurah.. Hope you guys enjoy reading this.. I'm just sharing.. =) 

Monday 22 July 2013

Sharing is caring..

Hye and Assalamualaikum..

After a long time tak update.. Takdak masa nak update.. Sekarang baru ade time sikit... Well, saya nak sahare skit laa.. Tajuk tuh dah tulis sharing is caring.. 

Skolah agak mencabar.. tapi saya suke sekolah.. Tak semua lah.. Some.. Like the teachers, friends in class.. and the surrounding.. Including seniors..

Well, saya tahu nama pun sekolah menengah.. Jadi senior kenalah hormat mereka.. bla.. bla.. bla.. Malaslah nak tulis panjang.. Just a short one..

This is my class.. 1 Omega..

Saya just nak sharing.. Sebab sharing is caring.. 

Selain them ade jugakk kawan yang lain.. Tapi they lebih important.. Plus my senior and some teacher.. 

This is teacher.. Gambar dah lame... Baru nak update.. Hehe..

Selain dari cikgu senior pun ade.. Tapi taknaklah post gambar mereka.. Hehe.. Sebab mereka just kekal in my heart.. Hanya tuhan yang tahu..

And.. And.. I lupe sebab i just nak share yg they'll are so perfect.. They always give me advise and stand by my side.. I don't know, sometimes i wonder why can people stay in my life?

Maybe semua ade perjuangan in their life.. Now its my time.. Stay strong.. =) 

I love them, wait, plus mom and dad too.. 

But they what i called "sahabat sejati".. They are someone you should respect.. No matter you're older or anything.. They help you.. Be grateful to have them. I'm so happy to have them..

Just wanna share.. Sometimes klau you rasa jatuh always remember there's people around you'll always be beside you.. No worries.. Everyday you walk.. Don't ever turn back.. Cause there are more challenges ahead..

TRy this video.. =)

Btw, hope you guys enjoy this post.. And.. Subscibe jgn tak subscribe.. *menggedik jap..

And you guys wanna know something.. The main reason why i post this topic its because, Puan Ilyani, Ustazah Mona, Kak Athirah, Kak Naqheyah, Kak Azreen, Kak Farisya.. And my own class 1 Omega.. They're all special.. They shown me what is the meaning of sharing and caring..

Thanks for reading.. Enjoy.. =)